This style was deleted by its author, Veni Guhesan@userstyles

Veni Guhesan@userstyles deleted this style

Try DZone Cleaner - instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Meebo

Meebo Cleaner/Meebo @ Office-clean,crisp,no fluff

Added by Veni Guhesan@userstyles, Created: Aug 02, 2007, Updated: Mar 27, 2008
With the style applied


Not happy with the flashy, psychedelic "look and feel" that's part of the Meebo styles... Or you want to tone it down a bit and remove the other fluffy stuff that you don't really need... Or you just want whats Meebo good at - that's online IM... no other bells and whistles... Or you want to use Meebo in your workplace or office.... Then you've come to the right place.

This script helps clean up all the unnecessary stuff in Meebo and makes it appropriate for a workplace. No fancy glitters or bold colors which stand-out at the office. Very calm and simple colors. The way Meebo was meant to be in the office...

Some Tweeking Options:
- To change the background color, modify #body.loggedin{background: #F3EDDE !important;}
- To change anchor links, modify #meebolinks a, #innermeebolinks a {...}

- Jul 25, 2007 - Meebo added a new feature called Meebo Rooms and this is not needed at a workplace.
- Aug 29, 2007 - Added style to hide the ad that was being displayed.
- Ma

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