ASMB - No Ads, Compact, and Black Background

Added by InTheCatBoxAgain@userstyles, Created: Jun 14, 2010, Updated: Jun 18, 2010
With the style applied


This style was made for the release of the Adult Swim Message Board upgrade on June 15th 2010.

This an attempt to recreate what the boards look like previously, in addition to that, it removes all the banner ads, hides the background image, and makes much better use of screen real estate.

I will update this periodically, so be sure to check back for an update.

Please let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.

ASMB user: InTheCatBoxAgain

6/18/10 - Added grid lines to board and message views, changed message titles to grey, removed the thick black lines between messages, and lots more.
6/17/10 - Major visual changes to better match the older board version, including the red links. Changed the kudo button and board title from pink to orange and white, and more.
6/16/10 - Adjusted the width so some text/images now aren't touching the edge of the page

Applies to:

Related styles:

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