old eBay search format

Added by eanderson@userstyles, Created: Aug 24, 2007, Updated: Aug 27, 2007
With the style applied


The newly redesigned eBay search was killing my eyes with its white white glare. This very simple correction adds underlines to the links and an alternating shading on the list of items, just like the "old" search design. It doesn't correct the new page layout (i.e., larger left-hand sidebar menu).

08.26.07: changed domain of coverage from search.ebay.com to ebay.com / cgi.ebay.com in order to cover all advanced searches, title & description searches, subcategories, etc.

08.27.07: changed greyed-out text (# of items found, item subtitles, custom display columns) to solid black

30 Aug 2007: To eliminate the bright yellow background on the sidebar and top searchbox, add these lines to your style:

#matchcats .matchcatecontent {background-color: #efefef !important;}
#basicsearch div {background-color: #fff !important;}
#buyingguides .buyingguidescontent {background-color: #efefef !important;}
#searchoptions #srchOpsDiv {background-color: #efefef !important;}

Applies to:
ebay.com, http://cgi.ebay.com/*

Related styles:

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