TV Tropes - All DarthWiki, All the Time (Stable)

Added by BigT@userstyles, Created: Jun 22, 2010, Updated: Jun 24, 2010
With the style applied


A user asked for a way to make the DarthWiki his default user-style.

Since all content on the site is available under the Creative Commons license, I went ahead and copied it. I tweaked it a tiny bit, mostly to overcome problems with code that is not normally used on DarthWiki pages.

It does not look good on anywhere but the wiki at the moment, so I've disabled it elsewhere. The forums and special pages will still appear as normal.

I have not decided whether to try and keep the other color schemes, used on special pages. It doesn't really fit with the title, but I'm sure some people might want it.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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