Wider Dev Shed Newsletter

Added by Charles Clarkson@userstyles, Created: Sep 22, 2007, Updated: Sep 23, 2007
With the style applied


Developer Shed (http://www.developershed.com/) sends an informative weekly email newsletter (http://www.developershed.com/newsletter.php) out with a link to a copy (http://www.developershed.com/newsletter/archives/2007-09-20.html) on their web site.

Outlook uses IE to display the newsletter and refuses to change the text font size. I like to use the on line version because I can use the [Ctrl +] zoom feature of Firefox to adjust the font size, but sometimes, late at night, I find I need to zoom things too far and the things become unreadable.

I should just toddle on off to bed. Instead, I just change the style a bit with Stylish and can stay up later (I mean read it easier).

Applies to:

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