Wikipedia hide blather

Added by sburke@userstyles, Created: Sep 24, 2007, Updated: Sep 25, 2007
With the style applied


The problem with (the English) Wikipedia is not the very occasional bit of nonsense in the articles. The problem is the article page-histories, the contentious article Talk: pages (and their own page-histories), the User_talk: pages (and their page-histories). It's like a sloppy recycling of Usenet. Remember Usenet? It started out very smart, but turned into bickering and sniping-- pure mental death on the installment plan.

This userstyle hides:
*Article page-histories (inanity mixed with squabbling)
*Article Talk: ("discussion") pages (the backstory on the squabbling)
*The page-histories of Article Talk: ("discussion") pages (ohgodno)
*The User_talk: pages (horrific)
*The pages-histories of the User_talk: pages (minutiae of horror)

The content of each page is replaced with a box stating, serenely:
"(You don't want to know)"

Applies to:

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