This style was deleted by its author, Ron A.@userstyles

Ron A.@userstyles deleted this style

Try Twitter - Remove "Top" Box instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Twitter (Old) - Hello My Name Is ____ (Profile)

Added by Ron A.@userstyles, Created: Aug 09, 2010, Updated: Aug 13, 2010
No screenshot


This one hides the username and statistics on your profile (feed) page. Good for when you're online in a public place (e.g., library) and want some privacy.

Note: You'll have to edit the code and enter *your* username into the "document url" line.

Note: This style won't affect your home page, but Twitter (Old) - Hello My Name Is ____ (Home) will.

Note: I haven't learned a way to alter the location- or title-bar yet (your username will still show up in both places), but I'm sure you'll think of something. Full Screen, perhaps?

*Update 8/10/10: Now hides the RSS feed link at the bottom of your home page's sidebar.

*Update 8/11/10: Now leaves the grey bar at the top of your updates (for better compatibility with the PBTweet+ userscript) and hides the element that appears when you hover over the "Lists" button.

*Update 8/13/10: Now spares the usernames of who you've retweeted.

Applies to:

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