Craigslist Redesign

Added by Adam B@userstyles, Created: Oct 02, 2007, Updated: Aug 22, 2008
With the style applied


This style provides a much sleeker and cleaner look for I'm a regular user of the site, and I really dislike its default look. When I found the FreeStyler extension, I decided to do something about it. You can modify the code however you see fit, and I welcome suggestions and reviews. Have any questions? Visit my site at and send me an email.

More info

July 14, 2008

-Improved the /about/sites.html page and (choose country/city/state pages)

April 1, 2008

-Added a style for the listing pages

March 3, 2008

-Modified the style of the country/state/city selection pages

Feb 25, 2008

-Changed the style of the toc pages to closer match the style of the home page

Feb 15, 2008

-Fixed problem with search bar (thank you riotlikeits1999 for your comment)

Applies to:,,

Related styles:

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