This style was deleted by its author, Jonny007-MKD@userstyles

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Darkoogle Red

Added by Jonny007-MKD@userstyles, Created: Oct 10, 2007, Updated: Jul 13, 2008
With the style applied


This is my red version of Darkoogle, i hope im allowed to publish it. ;)
I didn't change many things, i encrypted the images in red and changed a few values. Im thankfull for every hint i get (I wasnt sure about the orange, but i didnt find a better color) :). its also made for the german google, when you want another domain you have to change them and also the image paths! there are problems with igoogle, i would have to combinate 2 styles, but this would be to large for stylish.
Now enjoy with RedShift!

Google style for them darkish desktops.


UPDATE (2007-10-11): now I added Google Images Search
UPDATE (2007-10-12): today I shorted the script to 58.146 chars. i also fixed a few problems and made also the codesearch betetr. Im glad that already 19 people installed this :) I hope youre satisfied! sry that I cant replace every special image like the Luciano Pavarotti logo, but this would be to much work.
UPDATE (2007-10-14): I fixed some other

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