Epicmafia - Dark Style 2010

Added by jaCUBExCZ@userstyles, Created: Sep 14, 2010, Updated: Jan 15, 2011
With the style applied


It makes your Epicmafia web soooo dark like your soul is. :)

It's combination of black, dark grey and azure colors and it's based on one style here. I changed rest of colors, added support for forum and shopped pictures to the dark version.

Also, style includes effect text-shadow, which works best on Gecko engine (Mozilla Firefox or Lunascape). You can delete text-shadow hyperlink effect if you experience problem with it. It's one line in code.

Enjoy it.



1.21 - 26/09/2010
- Reworked icons (testing)
- Redone text-shadow effects
- Fixed forum post editing
- Slightly moved top menu on left side (thanks Normally)
- Minor fixes

1.20 - 24/09/2010
- New logo
- Edited top menu
- Edited buttons text
- Recoloured buttons for delete comments, rating setups and arrows with multisetups

1.19.1 - 23/09/2010
- Fixed friend requests (thanks Vigoroth)
- Fixed family mission editing (thanks hiralarious)

1.19 - 17/09/2010
- W

Applies to:
www.epicmafia.com, http://www.epicmafia.com

Related styles:

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