This style was deleted by its author, ZeraLee@userstyles

ZeraLee@userstyles deleted this style because of "I really liked this theme, but wowOwow site changes made it useless.
I no longer have enough interest in the site to redo the theme with the new CSS classes.
My apologies to those who downloaded this theme and found they liked it."

Try FloodUpEconomics - DarkText instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Dark Wine theme for wowOwow

Added by ZeraLee@userstyles, Created: Oct 18, 2010, Updated: Oct 28, 2010
No screenshot


This is a darker theme for WOW, with bright text on dark backgrounds. Hopefully, this will be a nice change for those who get tired of the bleached blogs.

I have spent the past several days testing and refining this theme, and it should be pretty reliable now. I even fixed up the games page, which they messed up in the last face lift.

I have been learning and improving as I go along, so you will want to check for updates occasionally.

Please leave comments if something is bad.

DO NOT MIX WITH Fixup #1 - bleech!

Fixed replies and alerts page.
Fixed forum comments.
Fixed comment previews. 10/28/10

wowowow has given itself another facelift that renders this useless.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
ZeraLee@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Dark Wine theme for wowOwow, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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