This style was deleted by its author, Toothpick Guy@userstyles

Toothpick Guy@userstyles deleted this style

Try Myspace 2.0 new style. instead of this deleted style.

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MySpace New Skin Style Comment Page

Added by Toothpick Guy@userstyles, Created: Oct 30, 2007, Updated: Oct 31, 2007
With the style applied


The first in a series of skin changes to default MySpace pages. This changes the look of the "View Cemments" page.

Others in the series:
MySpace New Skin Style Photo Album
MySpace New Skin Style View More Pics

MySpace's default comment page is really ugly. I got fed up with the ickyness and decided to stylesheet it. This styles the page like the new home skin. The new home design is pretty spiffy, so I thought I'd go with that style. I soon found out that MySpace's CSS and table code is atrocious. I managed to get a decent looking skin going, though. So enjoy!

I can be found on deviantART if you want to talk to me about it -

I'll be making a stylesheet for a few other ugly MySpace pages, so check back every once in a while. :)

Applies to:

Related styles:

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