LiveJournal - Entry Box Width Tweak

Added by Hairgel_Addict@userstyles, Created: Nov 01, 2007, Updated: Nov 02, 2007
With the style applied


I don't know about anybody else, but for me 800px (max width of the box) is not enough and there's a lot of wasted space left on the right side.
This could be useful for HDTV/Widescreen monitors owners.

P.S.: forgot to mention that it changes width on both "Edit Entry" & "Update" pages. If you want it to take effect on only one of those pages, just change: '@-moz-document domain("")' to '@-moz-document url("")' or '@-moz-document url("*")' accordingly. Thnx, 90d@userstyles for pointing that out.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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