Wikipedia - Delete languages

Added by DasRakel@userstyles, Created: Nov 15, 2007, Updated: Jan 06, 2009
With the style applied


Wikipedia : Delete the languages you don't understand anyway.
If you're like me, you only know four languages, so the others in wikipedia's list are useless to you.
This stylesheet deletes them.
Version 1.03 works on all wikimedia projects and anything else that runs on the mediawiki.
Version 1.04 bugfix: The box is now only as long as needed to fit the languages you added.
Version 1.05 bugfix of 1.04; and marginal simplification of code, using the "not()" pseudo selector. users don't need to fill in pixel values anymore.
(PS: this sheet is now one year old. :D )
Version 1.06: Using display instead of visibility. (Does not affect result.)

@medjakov@userstyles (again): Ok, I'm using display:none now. (v1.06) Which is what is should be using , not because it's shorter, but because it removes instead of hide, which is what I'm doing.
@medjakov@userstyles: No, I wouldn't want that, So I made it in a separate sheet: fades instead of deleting.
@medjakov@userstyles: I did not know about

Applies to:,,, More »
CC0 1.0 Universal.
DasRakel@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Wikipedia - Delete languages, to the extent allowed by law.

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