This style was deleted by its author, Markavian@userstyles

Markavian@userstyles deleted this style

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4chan - Asuka - Tsundere Glow

Added by Markavian@userstyles, Created: Dec 03, 2010, Updated: Dec 06, 2010
With the style applied


VERSION 5.1B 2010/12/07
Renamed to 4chan - Asuka - Tsundere Glow

VERSION 5.1 2010/12/07
Series of improvements.
Separated the featured image from the logo - feature now slides with page
Logo fixed at top of page
Moved the background image to #header instead of using the background space.
- potential for a third asuka image locked somewhere else on the page.
Improved size of comment area - expands on rollover
Sorted z-layering of various elements to ensure all links are correctly clickable
Tested with smaller resolutions

VERSION 5.0 2010/12/05
Dark grey / red theme - new feature picture.

Added in rounded corners and box glow for highlighted post.

Fixed few layout bugs with previous version.
Tweaks here, tweaks there, tweaks everywhere...

Applies to:

Related styles:

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