This style was deleted by its author, Markavian@userstyles

Markavian@userstyles deleted this style

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4chan - 'Rebuild' Templator

Added by Markavian@userstyles, Created: Dec 05, 2010, Updated: Dec 07, 2010
No screenshot
#3 Tertiary Colour
Feature Image
#2 Secondary Colour
Header Background
#1 Primary Colour
Feature Image Vertical Alignment
#7 Hyperlink Colour
#6 Reply Text Colour
#2 Secondary Gradient
#4 Reply Normal Colour
#5 Reply Highlight Colour


VERSION 5.1 2010/12/08
Renamed the templator from "4chan - Asuka Templator" to "4chan - 'Rebuild' Templator
Added in options for Lain images and background, still testing this - since the original Lain template didn't have a header image
Made featurette image 100% of the height of the page
Added new option to align featurette at either the top or the bottom

Added more colour options for other parts of template, including reply backgrounds, reply highlight, text color, link color
Used primary, secondary, and tertiary colours in more places

VERSION 5.1 2010/12/07
Added all the variation images from other Asuka templates
Increased width of background / logo area to 502px to match largest image.

VERSION 5.0 2010/12/07

Templated version of my custom layout for the 4chan image boards.
Colours and images are set as Stylish variables to make them easier to configure

Some of the choices for images and colours are not obvious; this is probably better used for configuring n

Applies to:

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