, Cleaner 2

Added by Aaron_Strontsman@userstyles, Created: Nov 28, 2007, Updated: Feb 14, 2008
With the style applied


REMARK: This is an updated version of ", Cleaner". I'm posting it anew, because I forgot my user name, otherwise I would have replaced it. Please don't download the other one anymore.

Cleaner style for the German news site Spiegel-Online. Rather radical change, some elements of the original page removed, like the sidebar and Login links. Article pages don't have the font resizing tool any more.
Now with some pretty ugly CSS. Enjoy!
For screenshots, see:<a href=">, Cleaner (German Articles only!) .

To make it look best:
# Install Adblock Plus with an appropriate subscription (e. g. EasyList + EasyElement)
# Install the ClearType Collection's fonts (most importantly Cambria and Calibri; e. g. from Microsoft's free Powerpoint Viewer 2007 application)

Version 2.07
# Spiegel have changed the menu bar slightly

Version 2.05 / 2.06
# Fixes horizontal scrollbars
# Fixes Tabbed Explanation Boxes (MPC Boxes)
# Various other improvements

Version: 2.02
# This version

Applies to:

Related styles:

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