Added by bmcm@userstyles, Created:
Dec 02, 2007, Updated: Dec 04, 2007
Current site default is to embolden links on hover. This causes transient re-layout, potentially on a large scale (as the emboldened link text is wider than than normal text). This, in turn, is distracting and irritating (to me!). This style does its best to override that. It also (added bonus?) underlines all links by default, restores the classic distinction between visited and unvisited links, and makes the default text color black (rather than a washed out grey that I find hard to read!). Override a.hover
First install FreeStyler to use this style.
If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
Applies to: