This style was deleted by its author, Zathman@userstyles

Zathman@userstyles deleted this style

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iGoogle Theme (Twilight) - v3 (Pre-Release 3.1)

Added by Zathman@userstyles, Created: Dec 05, 2007, Updated: Apr 05, 2008
No screenshot


◈ Introducing Version 3 of iGoogle Theme - Twilight.
◈ This is Pre-Release 3.1.2 - Testing and Compliance Phase.
☑ This style is being maintained exclusively on Firefox 3.
☒ This style has not been tested for use on Firefox 2.
☑ The latest version of Stylish is always recommended.
▶ The Current Screenshot is of Pre-Release 3.1 (1400x900)
▶ Contact me for assistance: ZATHMAN -at- GMAIL -dot- COM
▷ Please include screenshot, firefox version, and stylish version.

Applies to:,

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