This style was deleted by its author, stevieleej@userstyles

stevieleej@userstyles deleted this style

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RCPL Catalog - something other than purple

Added by stevieleej@userstyles, Created: Jan 31, 2011, Updated: Dec 07, 2011
No screenshot


Changes purple color scheme to blue / teal. Removes warped images

7/20/2011 - removed new RCPL logo.
7/22/2011 - center site & set width to 950px
11/3/2011 - A white link on a white background? Anyway, I fixed it. Most requested items page.

More info
I can't believe what they are doing with this site. It appears the developer codes in production with no oversight. The head of RCPL must only care that the site works, not how it looks.

Since the site is coded so poorly in respect to the CSS, I've only been able to make a few minimal adjustments to make the site bearable. I might need to go work there one day so I can redesign this horrendous site.

On 7/20/2011, logo change they made forced the site to almost 1150 pixels wide. Why? Why? Why!

Applies to:,,

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