This style was deleted by its author, B.SkiLLs@userstyles

MySpace Comment Page style (edited)

Added by B.SkiLLs@userstyles, Created: Dec 22, 2007, Updated: Feb 20, 2010
With the style applied


UPDATED: 2-20-2010 - Touched it up for some myspace changes. Mainly just an image, top section and some link sections.

Updated - just a tad on, 4-10-09 ... more to come soon.

This style is an Edited version of this:
MySpace New Skin Style Comment Page
'original styler notes included.'

To match my NEW myspace home skin style,(can be found at the below url.)

Black/white/blue style for your view all comments page, plus i changed / added a few other things to it.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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