This style was deleted by its author, Zixaphir@userstyles

Zixaphir@userstyles deleted this style

Try 4chan dark minimal reborn instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Deprecated AppChan

Added by Zixaphir@userstyles, Created: Apr 04, 2011, Updated: Sep 02, 2011
No screenshot
Color Scheme
Font Size
Sticky Navigation
Compact Navigation
Current Board Highlight
Pages Orientation
Board Name / Logo
Post Form
Replace Post Form with Quick Reply
Helper Text
Captcha Reload Button
Return Button
Show Delete Buttons
Reply Width
Transparent Replies
Rounded Corners
Sage Identification
Filename Expansion
4chan Thread Filter
Centered Images
Custom Scrollbars
Thread Separation Lines
Majics Mode
UI Bar Placement


Appchan - 4chan userscript and addon integration. First screenshot shows the AppChan color scheme with Nagato (+Pantsu) silhouette and a fixed postform.

Created and tested in Fx4 and Chrome.
4chan x, 4chanplus, and 4chan 4chrome are supported, prioritized in that order. 4chan x

More info
Supported Scripts:
* 4chan x
* 4chan filter
* 4chan plus
* 4chan4chrome
* 4sight
* 4watch
* /b/ackwash reloaded
* ChanChimp Revived

Option Explanations:

Color Scheme - The colors AppChan will use. Use Yotsuba B if you want to keep 4chan's default sfw color scheme.
Mascot - A small mascot image to fill space in the margin. Ones with '[s]' are just flat silhouettes. Silhouettes don't work with the defaults color scheme.
Font - The default font that AppChan will use. "Don't Care" just uses the first available in this order:
↳ "Ubuntu", "Droid Sans", "Calibri", "Lucida Grande", "Helvetica"
Font Size - The size of fonts. Small is recommeneded, Large is known to break things.
Margin - Whether or not there is a gap on the right side of the page.
Sticky Navigation - The navigation follows the page, fixed at the top of the browser, underneath the UI at all times.
↳ Invert switches it to the bottom and puts the pages on top.
↳ Slideout moves it off screen and puts a small tab that when you hover over, slides out the navigation.
↳ Slideout Invert moves the tab and navigation to the bottom.
Compact Navigation: Attempts to make the navigation smaller by decreasing the space between each board link.
Board Highlight - A small indicator in the navigation which shows what board you are on. Useful if you decided to hide the Board Name.
Pages Orientation: The pagination ( 0 1 2 3 4 ... etc ) position.
↳ Horizontal: Where it is by default (Any of the invert options in Stick Navigation will move it to top)
↳ Vertical: Moves it into the right margin and rotates it. (doesn't... uhm, work right without a margin)
Board Name / Logo - determines whether or not to show either the Board Name, the Logo, or both.
Post Form - How the post form will be displayed in the right margin.
↳ Fixed is just a fixed position post box.
↳ Slideout sits at the side of the page until hovered over, in which it "slides out".
↳ Slideout 2 completely hides the post box and puts a slit label with says "Postbox" on the side of the page, which slides out the full post form when hovered over.
↳ Semi Transparent is a fixed position post box that is semi-transparent until hovered over.
Replace Post Form with Quick Reply - Replaces the normal Post Form with the Quick Reply from 4chan x, 4chan Plus, or 4chan4chrome.
Helper Text / Labels - Show or hide the helper text ("Name", "E-Mail", "Subject", etc) in the postform.
Captcha Reload Button: Determines whether or not to show the Captcha reload button. With 4chan x, you can reload the captcha by pressing backspace in the verification field.
Return Button: Adds a return button under the post form to easily navigate back to the board front page.
Show Delete Buttons - Decides whether or not any UI related to deleting is shown.
Reply Width - Decides whether replies have a fit width or not.
↳ Fit Width: Replies fill all available space
↳ Normal / Fit Content: Replies behave as they normally would with 4chan's default CSS. They fit the content that's in them.
Transparent Replies - Makes the replies transparent. Useful if you're using a custom background image or using the default mascots without a margin.
Rounded Corners - Applies a border radius to various elements of 4chan.
Sage Identifier - Identifies posters who are using sage with a small text or image identifier.
Expand Filenames - Shows the full filename instead of truncating it. Unfortunately, due to the current implementation, the filename cannot be selected with this on.
4chan Thread Filter - determines the position of the 4chan Thread Filter. If you don't use it, don't worry about it.
Centered Images: Centers images that are opened without image expansion. Opera does this by default and it seemed like a pretty cool idea.
Custom Scrollbars - Changes the scrollbars of your browser while browsing 4chan.

↳ Yuki Nagato -
↳ Yuki Nagato -
↳ Horo [s] -
↳ Original Horo [s] -
↳ Kagamine Rin -
↳ Kinomoto Sakura -
↳ Shana -
↳ Ika Musume -
↳ Iwakura Lain -
↳ Samus Aran -
↳ Hatsune Miku -
↳ Li Syoaran -

↳ Lain -
↳ Miku -

↳ Horo -
↳ Horo 2 -
↳ Ika Musume -
↳ Kinomoto Sakura -
↳ Yuki Nagato -

More versioning info can be found at Github:

Current bugs/issues/TODO:

4chan 4chrome thread watcher
4chan plus autonoko

Applies to:,, More »

Related styles:

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