Eve Online New Forums - Liquid Layout

Added by KillerJK@userstyles, Created: Apr 07, 2011, Updated: Jun 21, 2011
With the style applied


BIG fonts. It works with the NEW NEW FORUMS. I also changed the forum selection, search, favorites.... Bold text is bolder, even and odd posts use different colours, popup is moved (ccp will probably fix that), and many tweaks everywhere I can't even remember.

It seems it also works with the style "Eve Online Classic Forums Style" (kind of, maybe a couple of bugs)

More info

Ingame: Kry Nanase

I know everyone likes different layouts. Fixed, fluid, elastic, hybrid, some people zoom in, others just increase the size of the text. It gets quite complicated, quickly, because it depends on tastes and different factors, like how good your sight is.

So I made a css that is how I like to see it, and I'm making it public just in case someone else likes it. I'm sure some guys would change some font sizes or move around the options in the search box, but you can't please everyone. So this is just my own preference, what is good enough for me. For instance, I know some (many?) people prefer to see a narrow column in the middle of a big monitor. Not me, or not in this particular situation.

Applies to:
forums.eveonline.com, testforums.evegate.com

Related styles:

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