Safari like highlighter

Added by Michael Bierman@userstyles, Created: Jan 16, 2008, Updated: Apr 16, 2008
With the style applied


Note this approach is no longer supported by FF 3.5+. See for explanation and links to the bug in FF that discusses the changed behavior.


I like the way Safari highlights text when using "Find in this page". Works on any page on any site.

If you find that the script is not working, please leave as detailed explanation as possible so that I can fix the problem.

If you like this script check out Bright Focus for Textboxes Only (modified) also which adds Safari like highlight on text boxes.

Change log
V5 better way to cover all pages (4/15/2008)
V4 added "about" pages (4/14/2008)
V3 added support for Firefox 3, beta 5 (tested on Windows XP but should work on all OSs) (4/13/2008)
V2 fixed a bug in the selector.
V1 Initial implementation.

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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