Quote Colorer 2.5

Added by Tweakster@userstyles, Created: Jul 05, 2006, Updated: Jun 13, 2007
No screenshot


For sites with backgrounds *other than* something yellowish or similar to #FFFCCC, this is a good scheme for coloring quotes, or elements classed as quotes, or TD.quote, which I found is the element used for quotes on phpBB forums using SubSilver (probably most SubBlack forums too).

For example, look at the post by "Original Intent" (Posted - 08/14/2006 : 14:03:36 ), on http://www.skepticfriends.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6570 . Then look at this snapshot of what it looks like with my Quote Colorer 2.0: http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/399/quotecolorerexamplekk7.png . This is the ultra cool thing my code does. Just remember the scheme for the quote levels, and you can easily determine what the author meant with all 'dem quotes.

Additionally, if somebody quotes somebody who quotes somebody else, I have a background for that. And one step further. Typically this is only needed in raw HTML. Forums have a nice-enough scheme for quotes that quotes-in-quotes look nice within th

Applies to:
all URLs

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