Outlook Web Access (OWA) 2003 - Cleanup

Added by zimchaa@userstyles, Created: May 09, 2011, Updated: May 10, 2011
No screenshot


Based on outlook-web-access-simplified (outlook web access, simplified) by wink (wink@userstyles) - extending it to include some of the CSS browser reset magic from here: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ and further enhancements to the user interface in an attempt to make it more usable and look a bit better than the stock webpage.

Editing required in order to make it specific to your Outlook Web Access URL.

More info

v0.1 (draft) (work in progress)

Works with the alternate version of OWA 2003 that is served to non-IE browsers

You need to edit the site specific Firefox rule: @-moz-document domain("xxx.xxx.xxx") in order for it to work for your OWA access, this is because some of the rules are very broad and will affect other sites (negatively) in order to de-kludge the OWA code.

I've added some comments throughout to aid your own tweaking efforts and hopefully make it more customisable. The draft nature is shown by the amount of commented-out rules that I have been playing around with in order to get the desired effects.

Applies to:

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