GoNintendo V4 Clean-Up

Added by naglfar@userstyles, Created: Jul 20, 2011, Updated: Aug 04, 2011
  • With the style applied
  • New forum view


This style was made for V4 of the GoNintendo site,
scheduled to go live on July 24th 2011.

It's basically made to look like Version 3 because
I hate change and I wanted to get rid of Blocks of
Information that were incredibly useless for me
to save display space.

More info

2011-08-03 Site Updates -> Style Updates

2011-07-29+30 Another few fixes

2011-07-28 Just a few bugfixes.

2011-07-27 A small batch of site updates, adjustments to work with them.


t27duck and cortjezter have made it pretty clear that the usability issues with the new site were done consciously to make people use the forums more, so everyone will probably have to go there now and then.

I read a lot of user comments about how they didn't like how clustered and untidy the forum's thread view is and agreed, so I decided to put in some more work to try to fix that. Threads in the forums are now displayed the same way article comments are. I'm not hiding signatures with this, you can hide them in the board preferences yourself.


Site went online, few fixes, probably needs more testing.

Also found a working quick-comment field on article detail pages, why're they hiding those?

Applies to:

Related styles:

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