This style was deleted by its author, Seika@userstyles

Seika@userstyles deleted this style

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BlueVZ 1.3 - by Seika

Added by Seika@userstyles, Created: Feb 26, 2008, Updated: Apr 13, 2008
No screenshot


This Style turns the whole page of into a nice good-to-read blue.
Even the Pictures are made blue.

Due to limited bandwith, I like to recommend you to copy my shared image-files to your own web space.

Thanks and have fun.

I'ts not completly done yet, but it will be completed druing the next days.
I would love to receive a small donation as a high regard due to my trouble making this style.

It's now at about 95% done. Only small fixes left.
Two not directly StudiVZ-related links are not done yet.

I encoded all image files to base64. So there shouldn't be any delays or missing images anymore.


Dieser Style wandelt die gesamte Seite von in ein nettes leicht-lesbares blau.
Sogar die Bilder wurden blau gemacht.

Aufgrund von Bandbreitenbegrenzung, empfehle ich euch meine freigegebenen Bilddateien auf euren eigenen Web-Space zu kopieren.

Danke und viel

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