SKYY's Dark Facebook

Added by SKYY@userstyles, Created: Aug 03, 2011, Updated: Apr 08, 2013
With the style applied


I got sick of the other dark facebook styles being too slow/gradienty/background-imagey, so I decided to attempt making my own from scratch. It keeps with my standard white-text/black-background/blue highlights motif, so if you like my other popular site styles then you'll like this as well.

Simplicity is great!

More info

***If anyone can figure out how to make the "new" notifications/messages NOT be white for 3 seconds, let me know***


-it's been a while, had no idea this was as popular as it was, so I updated the broken (white) things. Stuff still may not work, I only spent about 15 minutes today, not enough time!


-fixed uiHeader stuff, and spans associated with them


-a few things. I'm satisfied for the most part, and this is where I start getting lazy.


-more fixes...still fighting with buttons and some things, but it works for the vast majority


-fixed some borders, images, arrow backgrounds, flyouts, and other stuff.


-redid it from scratch (essentially) because FB decided to change all of their shit. Fuck that. Shit's still broken, but I'll post fixes as I get around to them.


-fixed some of the Groups pages. Not many people seem to use groups, but oh well.


-another ninja edit (something about photo posts and transparencies and menus and shit, I have no clue what I did just now *pisses pants*)


-image stuff has been fixed, the transparency isn't blindingly bright when you look at/post photos


-ninja edit


-made the title bar black again...planning on using inline images to make the logo not stick out when I get unlazy enough to do it

-something else, I forget


-FB changed a few things in their CSS, so borders around inputs and stuff became white again. Fixed.

-fixed the other white borders previously left alone (they're all grey now)

-I forgot what else I fixed again, damn it


-fixed chat title bar


-I don't even know what I fixed this time


-Fixed the input and button colors--I was using a separate style for that globally, whoops

-Made the left column less protrusive

-Fixed chat so it matched the dark blue theme a bit more

-other random crap

-and a few last-minute fixes in the past hour


- every 111 is now 050505 (that means the charcoal is blacker)

- changed navigation menus, fixed highlight/selected colors


- More minor crap. I think I fixed the hover of chat clearfix, and the border of quotes in posts


- Minor crap, fixed a few menus, fixed wrong colors


- first release

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