W3Schools Forum - Darkness Falls

Added by ShadowMage@userstyles, Created: Sep 19, 2011, Updated: Sep 30, 2011
With the style applied


A dark theme for the W3Schools forums.

More info

This is my first user style. I tried to explore all the options and pages to make sure I got everything, but there could be some things I missed. Also, I've only tested this in FireFox 6, but I think it should be compatible down to FireFox 4.


- 9/30/2011: Fixed some issues with the post editor. There were some drop downs and things that I missed. Also, in the post view, I moved the post date/time to the post header (where the poster's member name used to be) and moved the poster name down to the poster info section.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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