Popmundo - Forumfix

Added by seb_zemann@userstyles, Created: Mar 23, 2008, Updated: Oct 11, 2008
With the style applied


Popmundo - Forumfix 1.8
by seb_zemann

1.8 (Sept 20 2008)
- Color of closed threads
- Highlights the Sticky
- Highlights red threads
- Color of grey threads

1.7 (Aug 29 2008)
- Deleted Messages

1.6 (Aug 13 2008)
- HR transparent

1.5 (Aug 7 2008)
- Messagebox hover bgcolor
- Thread-Prio Img bigger/hidden
- Hover color distinguishable
- Thread navigation padding
- CSS Documentation

1.4 (July 16 2008)
- img bold fix

1.3 (Mar 29 2008)
- Better foldername
- Mouse-over-Folder (hover) backgroundcolor
- Div. border/padding

1.2 (Mar 28 2008)
- Border around folder
- Smaller green/red img
- Padding for sticky/closed

1.1 (Mar 24 2008)
- Border around postings
- Quotes more distinguishable from normal text
- Bright grey posting background

Applies to:

Related styles:

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