ABC News: hide the menu & sidebar

Added by hideheader@userstyles, Created: Oct 03, 2011, Updated: Nov 06, 2013


Auto-hide the page header, page footer, and article sidebar. Each is reduced to a thin placeholder (at the top, bottom, and left edge of the page, respectively) that expands and floats over the body of the article when the mouse hovers over it.

The article now fills the width of the browser, no matter the size of the browser window. Comments are suppressed, as are social networking links within the article text. The "tools" menu (Print, Font size, etc.) also auto-hides, collapsing to the ABC icon.

More info
04 Nov 2013. /blogs/* uses a different layout than the rest. Fixed.
12 Sep 2013. Well, it was a bit broken, wasn't it? Fixed, more or less, but not finished.
8 Jun 2012. ABC broke this style by adding a new element behind the original header in order to change the (transparent) header background. (Dunno - seems odd to me, but they're ABC so who am I to criticize?)

Applies to:,

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