ECU – Darkened

Added by Kete@userstyles, Created: Oct 24, 2011, Updated: Feb 08, 2012
With the style applied


The background is darkened, and the text is lightened to prevent
it from being illegible. It also works for Blackboard and some of
the library webpages.

More info

On some Blackboard posts, the student has made their own style that

may come out with a bigger font, but the width of the paragraphs are

still defined by the smaller font of a parent container. This makes

the lines appear too narrow, but I can’t pinpoint those lines without

breaking the formatting for the other posts and announcements, which

is the overwhelming majority in my experience; so I’m leaving it as

is. (Feb 8, 2012) version 1.2.3—took out iframe rule because body

rule overrides it.

version 1.2.2—darkened the courses list background on Blackboard “My

Courses” and put some space on the right side of images in case

instructors didn’t and left the text right next to the picture (Nov 16,


version 1.2.1—darkened the background of the discussion board where it

lists the threads

version 1.2—made a few backgrounds consistent

version 1.1—added a rule to limit the Blackboard posts to 35em wide

and to change their fonts to Loma, Tahoma or Monaco, depending on

whether GNU/Linux, Windows or Mac is used, respectively. sans-serif is

kept for fallback.

Applies to:,,

Related styles:

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