MoreFocus Full

Added by pawelkl@userstyles, Created: Apr 15, 2008, Updated: Apr 16, 2008
No screenshot


it make the elements on sites more visible by adding:
*translucent background to normal, highlighted and focused text, links and images
*translucent background to visited links and link images
*replaced focus on links and form elements,

support for
* focus on links [yellow bg]
* selected text [yellow bg]
* links [green bg]
* hovered links [brigher green bg]
* visited links [red bg]
* hovered visited links [brigher red bg]
* javascript links [violet bg]
* link images [green outline]
* focused images [yellow outline]
* focused form elements [red outline]
* hovered form elements [green outline]
Disables inner border in button

MINI version MoreFocus Mini
this elements aren't added
* links [green bg]
* link images [green outline]

style is inspired on few articles, Bright Focus (for buttons, links, and textboxes) and many my own version of that style


Applies to:
http, file

Related styles:

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