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Dark Gray Google

Added by QuestionMarkFTW@userstyles, Created: Apr 23, 2008, Updated: Feb 25, 2009
No screenshot


Black to Dark Gray colour scheme for Google's web search page (classic version only).

To get Google Images with this look download "Dark Gray Google Images"

This has been build for

This style also changes a couple of other parts of google like the Advanced Search, Preferences, Language Tools and even and also a couple other of the pages.

I will not take a lot of credit for this because I copied most of it from the "Dark Gray Redesign (vC)" style which was made by "".
I put the image and web search together and tweaked around with a couple of other things. In the future I hope to fix a couple more things in it and do a couple of other things that I have thought of doing.

Dark Gray Google Images Dark Gray Google Images

Applies to:,,, More »

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