Reddit DUST

Added by Unplacable@userstyles, Created: Mar 06, 2012, Updated: Mar 21, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Bright Colour:
Mid Colour:
Light Colour:
Visited Colour:
Dark Visited Colour:
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Hide Logout Button?


Yet Another Dark Theme for Reddit. Assumes RES is installed, but will work without it.
Restyles everything, without changing the familiar layout.

Chrome doesn't support APNG, so the spinning Arrows won't spin, just flash.
Get Firefox or Pale Moon.


More info
I've been having issues with reddit, but after about a year of testing, I dont't think it's this code, sorry for the long wait! If you are having problems, see

Probably resource heavy, with lots of box-shadows and rgba backgrounds.

Hides the logout button, and makes the comments occupy the whole screen, and are indented at the start of paragraphs.
But it's all fairly well commented so you can change it as you see fit.

Backgrounds from:

2015.3.21 - Fixed RES Settings bug 4.5.4
2014.8.14 - Re-added background options (NEW!), Fixed comments in Chrome (again), also contents bar.
2014.8.11 - Fixed next button hidden, fixed dark visited colour code.
2014.8.5 - New buttons, pretty much everywhere, Adjusted Never Ending Reddit look, Reddit Gold Goal styled, Too much to remember, it's been a whole year!
2013.8.8 - Support for tags, fixed child comments in Chrome (fucking 43 lines of code, works with 1 class in Firefox, I don't even use Chrome!)
2013.8.3 - Colour options, glow effects on selected textbox, etc.
2013.7.23 - Styled the new contents bar quickly, added all code from dev.
2013.6.19 - Added more glowing buttons & things.
2013.4.22 - Changed Expando images; Background option, Restructured code base, added in font change.
2013.4.17 - Re-Added old expando code along with new code, read from honestbleeps you shouldn't be using the untested version in Firefox.
2013.4.14 - Changed most of the colours (except backgrounds) links brighter, buttons darker, fixed new Image Expando bugs.
2013.4.8 - Styled the RES cog menu & macros menu.
2013.4.6 - Fixed things, smaller post numbers.
2013.4.4 - More tweaks, save button styled (was incorrectly rendered in Chrome), thumbnails correctly curved, expandos with glow effects..
2013.4.1 - Minor tweaks (Removed link colours from User NavBar, tweaked expando buttons)
2013.3.25 - Should work better on both Firefox and Chrome now (fixed Child Comments problem)
2012.12.13 - Not Much, but it's improved, marked as release now.
2012.5.5 - Changed selected post highlighter, added more fancy buttons, multiple bug fixes.
2012.4.16 - Fancy new subscribe/unsubscribe buttons, fixed link flair that AskReddit has been sticking on every post, added mostly universal spoiler code.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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