Pardus style remake

Added by Yog@userstyles, Created: May 10, 2008, Updated: Dec 10, 2011
With the style applied


This is almost a complete remake of css for the game Pardus.
Some of the features:
- nav grid and highlight of mouse-hovered fields
- Some of links positioned fixed for convenient access
- Faction Relations list readable, unlike original
- Makes Bulletin boards look compact in a way (to disable, you have to delete everything from bulletin boards comment, to tables comment)
- better space usage in some places

Be informed, that this works faster as userstyle used via Stylish, than a userScript on FF.

More info
This is almost a complete remake of css for the game Pardus.
Some of the features:
- nav grid and highlight of mouse-hovered fields
- Some of links positioned fixed for convenient access
- Faction Relations list readable, unlike original
- Makes Bulletin boards look compact in a way (to disable, you have to delete everything from bulletin boards comment, to tables comment)
- better space usage in some places

Be informed, that this works faster as userstyle used via Stylish, than a userScript on FF.

It does not matter if you are using normal imagepack at the same time and so the style will work the same if you have an imagepack enabled or disabled in your pardus account settings. Additionally the new online imagepacks are now compatible.

It works additionally in conjuction with Shingouz FF addon, Pardus Quick Commands, Pardus Coords Addon userscripts and more(I keep adding lines).

Don't forget about configuration at the top of the code after you install.
-chat frame height
-ship in dock image (you should change it after installation)
-disable/enable button for exchanging Maneuver for ASP
-special styling for Pardus Coords Addon userscript
-option for using a different font, which you have to install first on your system:

If you have got any questions, suggestions or whatelse, please ask here* or on some other friendly place. These will help out others with similiar problems as yours. Do not use Pardus forums as it will most likely lead to misleading advices and i can't help you there. Unless you really need to and you don't mind their rules.
* It is naturally possible to start a discusion on this userstyle, but you need to register.
If you have issues it is always helpfull to make a screenshot(possibly full page, not just screen) and copy the html source code to paste it on this: amazing page. Copy the url and include it in your issue along with the screenshot.
Note, that every browser is different and even different versions of FF can interpret the style differently, especially that the code is quite advanced.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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