This style was deleted by its author, waffle@userstyles

waffle@userstyles deleted this style

Try facebook news feed remover II instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Google Web Search - Dark Blue (Transparent)

Added by waffle@userstyles, Created: May 22, 2008, Updated: May 23, 2008
No screenshot


This is a modified version of Valacar's Google Web Search - dark blue redesign (vC) [Google Web Search - Blue Theme (vC)]

some Transparencies have been added, and the background was modified to match griffal's @bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - summer theme [@bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - summer skin], which is a modification of Paweł Kubisz's @bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - Spring Skin [@bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - Spring Skin] WHEW!

* you can change the link of the background image by modifying the body context
* if your not from Canada, copy the text into gedit, kate, notepad etc and do a find/replace for with or whatever version of google you use.

Applies to:,,, More »

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