This style was deleted by its author, hideheader@userstyles

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autohide the menu [Zap2it]

Added by hideheader@userstyles, Created: Jun 03, 2012, Updated: Dec 05, 2013


Autohide site headers, but remove nothing from the page but clutter. (And ads. But I can put the ads back if you like.)

More info
Only will use this style. It may work with pages on other Zap2it subdomains, but I haven't tried it.

N.B.: I use If this page looks busier in your browser than in the screenshot, that's probably why.

9 Jun: (1) Now valid CSS 3. (Woohoo!) (2) Removed duplicate "featured station" from the top of the listings. (3) Removed adverts from the listings grid.

23 Jun: Program detail could overflow its box and spill over onto the following channel's listings or the timeline - fixed.

14 Jul: Use site icon to represent hidden headers.

Applies to:,

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