GMail 2 Remove the star system

Added by Thomas Baruchel@userstyles, Created: Jun 12, 2008, Updated: Jun 13, 2008
With the style applied


This style removes four things concerning the starred/unstarred elements:
1) it removes the column with the picture of a star in the list of messages;
2) it removes the 'starred' line in the menu;
3) it removes the star at the top of the message when reading the whole message;
4) it removes the 'starred' and 'unstarred' selectors.

The style is customizable; read carefully below.

Two method are provided forremoving the column. The method 1 (default) allows you to set the exact empty width you want to keep between the checkbox and the author of the message. Just edit the style and look for some "width: 4px" text under the "Method 1" section and put there the exact value you want. The method 2 removes the column and leaves no horizontal space. If you are interested by the second method, you must comment the first method and uncomment the second one.

Warning: it is not possible with stylish to remove ONLY the two last comas in the line of selectors. Removing two select

Applies to:

Related styles:

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