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Reddit - ExtraCSS Emoticon Flags (For Chrome)

Added by EvilHom3r@userstyles, Created: Jun 15, 2012, Updated: Jul 16, 2012
No screenshot


ExtraCSS emoticon flags for Chrome and Chrome/Webkit based browsers

More info
NOTE: Firefox users should install Reddit - ExtraCSS Emoticon Flags (For Firefox) instead.

This allows you to rotate, flip, and spin emotes on reddit. You can combine these flags to create some interesting effects.

-[45|90|135|180|225|270|315] = rotates image accordingly

-r = Reverses images on the X axis (horizontally).

-d = Dance for me (flip on hover).

-spin = It spins!

-yspin = Spin on the Y axis (vertically).

-xspin = Spin on the X axis (horizontally).

-zspin = Spin in a circle.

Applies to:,

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