repainted black (google/gmail/etc)

Added by daf@userstyles, Created: Jun 22, 2008, Updated: Nov 26, 2008
With the style applied


This is a mod on "painted black", incorporating some small changes to make overlay divs work properly, as well as to make highlighted rows work as expected (borrowing and modding from "Gmail 2 highlighted rows". Also, the divs used for extended combo-box selects (the options on your mails, for instance) are slightly cleaned up and fitted to the style. There's nothing all that original here -- it's more that I would like to be able to access this fixed version from another pc easily, and I figure that someone, somewhere, might derive some usefulness from this.

NOTE: there is a specification in the initial header which will enable this style for vision-impaired people. It's commented out because I'm too lazy to upload this style twice and screenshot it again, so look for it in the first @-moz-document section, and remove the comments (/* and */) from the line:
/* font-size: large !important */

Hopefully this can be of some use to people with deficient eyes (:

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