All-In-One Distractions Remover For New Facebook

Added by Filius@userstyles, Created: Jul 23, 2008, Updated: Aug 28, 2008
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--- Updated for the New Facebook Style ---

This removes anything from anywhere on Facebook that I don't like! Complete list of functionality below:

* Removes Advertisements
* Removes Non-Standard Applications from Profile Pages - thanks to aliumalik for the initial idea (see New Facebook Application Remover for the original; I've modified it so group pages still work)
* Removes Application Stories and Fan Pages from the Minifeed
* Removes "Find Your Friends"
* Removes application "Bookmarks" (functionality is replicated in the Applications drop-down so it's redundant)
* Removes rid of the white space above "Suggest Friends for..."
* Removes the "Welcome to the new Facebook" banner
* Removes the footer (remember you can take this out if you're particularly fond of the footer)

It's heavily commented to allow you to customise it to your needs. Feedback is welcome.

Updated 25th July to remove app stories from news feeds
Updated 1s

Applies to:

Related styles:

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