remove ads,nags and whitespace

Added by Chris Scott@userstyles, Created: Jul 26, 2008, Updated: Apr 08, 2012
With the style applied
Global navigation
Subscribe button
Use a <1024px width screen


This script will optimise and remove un-needed and annoying parts of the forums. Everything is commented so it is easily customised. If I missed anything or there are any problems, please let me know!

This script does the following:
- Removes ads
- Removes white space so that the page is more compact
- Removes unregistered nags and annoyances
- Corrects some small issues with their styling
- Removes little-used elements (purchase bar etc)

More info

Update 08/04/12: Added archives domain, simplified description. Added all options as dropdowns.

Update 21/02/10: Removed a couple of bug fixes as site has changed. Let me know if there is anything else I can add!

Update 05/08/09: Update to reblock ad_banner_oma

Update 26/11/08: Fix added for page number display bug (incorrect right margin)

Update 12/07/08: Unregistered left banner ad & Amazon search removed.

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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