Funny Pro Elites minor changes

Added by jeo@userstyles, Created: Oct 27, 2012, Updated: Oct 26, 2014
Background color of PM notification:
Background color of quotes:
Color of quoted / quote box links:
Fix shoutbox breakage
Make shoutbox breakage the only fix


This sheet:
  • Adds a more visible notification color
  • Adds a customizable quote background
  • Adds visibility to quoted links and the reply box
  • Adds word-wrap to usertitles so that they do not expand the column on the left
  • Removes the shoutbox exploit that makes it too wide to type in

More info
10/26/14 - update for MyBB update
3/05/14 - relicensed from public domain to CC-BY. This doesn't mean anything unless you distribute a derivative (now need to give credit).
12/08/13 - Actually removes b&b& abuse on homepage (haha sorry).
11/2/13 - Revised description to better explain things. Added images.
10/30/13 - User titles no longer expand left column in classic post view mode. Quick box reply links are visible.
7/22/13 - Made the link color change work better. Gave the option to make only the shout box fix apply. Shout box fix no longer interferes with non-shoutbox content.
7/6/13 - Default color of reply boxes changed to white (normal), removed arbitrary code (which there was a lot of somehow), different color for links in replies, optional setting to fix b&b&b& abuse that Fonz and Wally are fond of.
10/28/12 - Default color of reply boxes changed to grey, outline of reply boxes changed to green. Style posted on Customization of colors added.
10/27/12 - White box removed from behind page title, PM notification background changed to green.

Future development: Possibly add an option to make a more minimal shoutbox for use in side panels, if anyone would want that. Also thinking of some kind of mobile integration.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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