4chan Yotsuba-Chan Skin

Added by Quiche@userstyles, Created: Aug 11, 2008, Updated: Aug 15, 2008
With the style applied




Updates you may have missed:
-Layout aligned to accommodate widescreen
-Firefox extension skinned to the best of my abilities
-Pretty much complete

A very clean, readable skin that is inspired by the Yotsuba layouts, but features Yotsuba-chan in the back ground and also has a bit more style to it. It's based off of my Konata skin and has all the same stuff from the 4chan improvement style (4chan improvement). Ironically, looks best in Futaba.


From 4chan improvement:
-Rounded corners on replies
-No ads
-fixed position post area that scrolls with the page (mouseover opacity)
-fixes blurry thumbnails in fx3

New Stuff:
-Yotsuba background
-Rounded corners on post area and op post
-No border between threads
-No "Reply Mode" bar

Applies to:

Related styles:

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