CHAOS 1.5 - Decorations [BETA]

Added by CatmanIX@userstyles, Created: Dec 13, 2012, Updated: Dec 28, 2012
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Glitter and Glitch "lenses" for emotes.

Someone should send me a good 1st person pov cumshot apng.

More info
--Added other decorations! -sailor -trixie - bowler
--renamed lens tags to -lens##
--renamed script
--Added some glitch "lenses" on -g4 and -g5. Renamed script.
--Fixed it completely breaking anywhere past a post using other tags, also fixes it on those posts themselves.
--Unfortunately it doesn't do that cool bit where its fixed to the page and the emotes move under it when you scroll.
--oh well.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
CatmanIX@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to CHAOS 1.5 - Decorations [BETA], to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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