dA nav bar & links!

Added by lluia@userstyles, Created: Dec 19, 2012, Updated: Dec 20, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


dA's nav bar will scroll with you (with a little opacity so you can see what you're scrolling past) - and it has some awesome text-shadow!
In addition, the text will fade into a glowing white when you hover on it and the opacity with be upped a tiny bit.
Also, hovering on any links will slowly fade into a glowing white in lowercase. :)

More info
I know there's already a bunch of fixed nav bar features but I personally liked it styled like this because it has text-shadow and a lowered opacity, in addition to glow! :)

The links fade into a glow too.... it turns white only on some pages but it'll glow on all pages.

By lluvia (http://letrainfalldown.deviantart.com)
With some help and original code from http://phantomshadows.deviantart.com :)

Applies to:

Related styles:

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