This style was deleted by its author, Total Cereal@userstyles

Total Cereal@userstyles deleted this style because of "I have deleted this style because it has become too similar to my other, more popular style, "Total Cereal's Darkened Twitch + Wider Chat"."

Try Block All Twitch Emotes instead of this deleted style.

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Total Cereal's Wide Chat and Channel Modifier

Added by Total Cereal@userstyles, Created: Jan 18, 2013, Updated: Apr 30, 2013
No screenshot
Dark Theme
Chat Width
Left Side-Bar
Title and Game
Chat colors
Chat font size
Chat mod buttons
Turbo tags
Mod tag
Remove featured streams from left sidebar


This is a basic Stylish design that changes how the video player re-sizes when the directory and chat are collapsed, as well as multiple options to customize the interface.

More info
I am phasing this style out because this and my more popular "" style have become too similar. I will no longer be updating it. Please use my other style instead.

Detailed Description
I didn't like how the channel meta-data (viewer count, channel views ect.) was pushed down the page when the side bars were collapsed due to the video player blowing up so big, so this resizes it to take up any unused horizontal space. Note: this breaks the old channel layout and is designed for use with the new layout only! I’m sure there are problems with the code since this is literally the first time I've ever used CSS, so if any experts out there have any fixes or improvements, feel free to let me know. This Style has been redesigned to work with any monitor resolution, but if you have any problems, you can let me know ;D

Some code used from SirFist@userstyless' style with permission (seriously, check out his style. It's awesome).


3/29/2013 Optimized left and right column options code, fixed the style affecting twitch pages other than the new channel design, tons of other bug fixes.
3/29/2013 - Updated wide chat options to be much better and not buggy (thanks to SirFist@userstyles for letting me use his code!), fixed the videos tab not being darkened when the dark theme is used.
3/10/2013 - Fixed bugginess of wider chat with Firefox.
2/14/2013 - Updated the dark design to have grey backgrounds every other message, added fun option to change the mod icon.
2/8-9/2013 - Added options for wider chat (buggy on Firefox), added option to keep 16:9 aspect ratio for the video player on 1920x1080 monitors (incomplete; may not continue development).
2/7/2013 - Overhauled the behavior of the video player to automatically adjust to any resolution (!!!). Unfortunately, this removes the scroll bar in the main column, but I think it's a decent trade-off :D, added an option to have the left side-bar hide when collapsed.
2/5/2013 - Added line that removes the regular scroll bar (I don't know of anyone else that had this problem, but it really annoyed me).
2/4/2013 - Added option to remove Turbo badges, left side bar no longer gets removed in directory since the new directory is reliant on it, added dark theme (early version; may not continue development since elements also effect directory).
2/3/2013 - Added options to disable custom user backgrounds and hard-to-read chat colors.
2/2/2013 - Added an option to remove Mod Buttons in chat (the option in the Twitch settings seems to randomly turn off for me), option to hide Share and Options buttons, option to hide channel icon, and option to remove the left sidebar (does not work on beta because the directory is dependent on the sidebar).
1/28/2013 - Removed the Facebook "like" button on the directory because screw Facebook :P

Personal info
Hi, and that you for checking out my style! My name is Total Cereal, and I am a longtime Twitch fan of about 4 years and broadcaster of 3 1/2. If you like this style, feel free to check out my other styles as well! I'd also love to see you around at my channel,

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