4chan Haruhi Style

Added by Vekter@userstyles, Created: Sep 06, 2008, Updated: Sep 07, 2008
No screenshot


Preview is here (userstyles won't let me upload it): http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l154/Quadrius/haruhiskin.jpg

So, I basically took Quiche's style and combined it with a Cave Story style I saw a while back that I liked. The Haruhi style automatically only shows on /a/, but that can be changed by changing this line:
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://zip.4chan.org/a/) {
To any 4chan URL you wish. You can also change the "url-prefix" part to read "domain" and just toss 4chan.org in the parentheses to make it appear on all of 4chan's boards.

Known issues:
1) Yes, I know the text blends with the background. I'm working on it, probably going to tone down the opacity. I'll update to the same image when I do so it automatically changes.
2) I haven't changed the color of the postbox yet; I'm still screwing around with it right now.
3) I am aware that the Haruhi image looks somewhat shit. I had to shrink it so it didn't look massive on a smaller monitor. I'm trying to touch it up,

Applies to:

Related styles:

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